Sunday, April 19, 2009

Power leveling for level 80 to 95 within less than 6 hours

Power leveling for level 80 to 94 within less than 6 hours, is that even possible?

Yes, it is possible if you follow my guide.

Be prepared to spend close to 10million gold per level

1) Decide which two mercenaries you wish to power level (I would suggest the main character and the low leveled mercenary)

2) Head to Saint Petersburg town

3) Purchase about 60 Scrolls of Judgment [Pre] at 400,000 gold each. 60 scrolls would be enough to last you for 2, at most 3 levels for 2 mercenaries.

4) Walk out of town and head South-East to the woods as seen on the map

5) You will encounter a monster called White Bear, which is level 90

6) Before you engage a fight with the White Bear, its good to have both of the mercenaries you want to power level at the last row, you wouldn't want the scrolls to be disabled.

7) On the 2nd Player Phase, allow both mercenaries to use Scroll of Judgment. Do make sure the other mercenaries do not kill any bears.

8) By casting 2 Scrolls of Judgment, it would be sufficient to take out the entire team of White Bears.

On top of the experience which you get from killing the bears, there is a bonus of 46,000 to 85,000 exp depending on your level. The bonus experience comes from using the Scroll of Judgment

In total, you should receive about 340,000 exp in a single battle, splitting among the 2 mercenaries. It helps if you have a LDP (Long Distance Party) for more bonus experience.

Have fun,


  1. now i see how u got in 96 this fast :)
    thx for the tip

  2. white wolves are better and a north of Helinski, they do not have any harmful spells and attack a single merc at a time

  3. Oh I love your guides, do you think this might work for lvl 66 to 70-80?

    Do you know a way to level up from lvl 60 to 70 and from 70 to 80?
